Inferno-municipal cemetery

Year 2021 Category Performance Work INFERNO Premiere Torelló. Municipal cemetery DANTE, GUIDED BY THE POET VIRGILIO, TRAVERSES THE INFERNOS INHABITED BY THE SHADOWS OF SINNERS Albert Vidal recounts the journey accompanied by illustrative images of Dante’s itinerary. Earthly chants accompany the passionate recitation of the abysses of the underworld. Canto III. We will discover in…
2019. Inferno-Vic

Year 2019 Category Performance Work INFERNO Premiere Vic. Teatre l’Atlàntida car parking ARTISTIC DATA SHEET Author Dante Alighieri Rhapsode Albert Vidal Dante’s spirit Noe Vidal Pre-recorded percussion Pitu andreu Costumes Oghi Ochir Sound space Denys Sanz REVIEW SOTA TERRA, L’ESSÈNCIA DEL TEATRE El públic entrava per la rampa dels cotxes, cap al primer soterrani, i…
2016-2017. Polítikus

Year 2016/2017 Category Short plays. Social networks Work Polítikus Presentation Vidrà “Polítikus”, includes a series of cinematic works in which the communicator addresses himself directly to the camera. Political and social reality is shown in these works through “telluric expressionism” that travels to the depths of the human soul. The format corresponds to a tight…
2015. Antonio Machado

Year 2015 Category Concert Work Homenatge a Antonio Machado Presentation L’Arxer Within the “Grand Tour” organized by the Coclea Foundation, this concert was presented in a very curious circumstance. The public were reassembled at a meeting point in a little village at the foothills of the Pyrenees, 4 km away from the place where…
2013. La via sagrada de l’actor

Year 2013 Category Conference-performance Work La vía sagrada de l’actor Presentation Vic. L’Institut del Teatre On the occasion of the Centenary of the Theatre Institute of Barcelona, I was invited to present my research work since 1967. This was the basis of this conference-performance in which we tried to relive each stage from the emotions…
2013. La locura del poder

Year 2013 Category Theater Work La locura del poder Premiere XIX edición de la Feria de Artes Escénicas de Donostia The show deals with current issues within the socio-political reality in Europe and more specifically in Spain. During the show, issues related to budget cuts, culture, sport, justice, curricula, health care, etc. will be discussed….
2012. Silencio blanco

Year 2012 Category Performance Work SILENCIO BLANCO Premiere Festival Internacional de Teatro y Artes de Calle de Valladolid Award Most original and innovative performance It was thanks to the Festival Internacional de Teatro y Artes de Calle de Valladolid that, in its 2012 edition, I was given the opportunity to realise a dream that had…
2011. Un fràgil equilibri

Year 2011 Author Edward Albee Work UN FRÀGIL EQUILIBRI Director Mario Gas Production Temporada Alta.Teatre Lliure Premier Teatre Principal Girona Character Tobias (the husband) REVIEW “Sin duda el personaje que evoluciona mejor es el del padre. Albert Vidal, conocido actor de clown, bufón de los buenos que parece que debe ser de las primeras veces…
2011. Los persas

Year 2011 Author Esquilo Work LOS PERSAS Director Francisco Suárez Production Teatro Español Premier Teatro Español. Madrid Character Rei Darío REVIEW “Entre brumas de las simas, aparecerá Darío, el padre de Jerjes. Una sombra saliente de un transparente crisol. Es una de las escenas más impactantes, creada por Albert Vidal, el extraordinario creador de monólogos…
2010. Història de Joan nascut d’un ós

Year 2010 Category Musical theatre in the old way Work Història de Joan nascut d’un ós Premier Festival Temporada Alta. Girona Our son Noé was growing up and he would end up being the first spectator of the next show. I am talking about that marvellous tale from the Catalan oral tradition recovered by Joan…