Year | 1973 |
Category | Visual theater |
Work | Miti e riti della borghesia |
Premiere | Theater Spazio Zero. Rome |
Once the experience of the Teatro della Comune was over, I settled in a small village near Rome, about 30 km away, where I began to write MITI E RITI DELLA BORGHESIA, evidently strongly influenced by Fo and the two and a half years of immersion in that form of theatre of social agitation.
In the company of five musicians we premiered in the theatre “Spazio Zero”, which was run by the militants of the extra-parliamentary group “Il Manifesto”.
I must add a comment on the reasons that prompted me to leave Dario Fo’s company, because although I have always mentioned him as one of the fundamental masters with whom I had the privilege of working in my youth, on the other hand, I knew that I could not fully subscribe to his way of understanding and exercising the profession, because I somehow felt inside me the lack of a certain pathos and metaphysical concerns that I knew I would not have been able to develop at his side.
Perhaps I was obeying that thought of Nietzsche’s when he says that a master is badly rewarded if he always remains his disciple.