Year | 2007 |
Category | Theater |
Work | Soy la solución |
Presentation | Buenos Aires |
In this case, and following the normal flow in the freedom of the creative act, we are also referring to the original text of “El Prínicipe”, except for small modifications.
After having presented it in Seville, “El Príncipe” with maximum multimedia support, refined lighting and live and direct accompaniment, I proceeded to present a version stripped to the maximum and in which only the acting work survived.
Thus, and in order not to create confusion, it was given the name “Soy la solución” at its premiere in Buenos Aires at “El Nudo” theatre on Corrientes Street. Subsequently, performances were made in Spain, such as the season at the “Teatro de la Abadía” in Madrid
Buenos Aires. LA NACION. Albert Vidal: actor de muy buenos recursos. Carlos Pacheco. mayo/5/2007
Buenos Aires.LA NACION. Un catalan subyugado por Buenos Aires. Carlos Pacheco. abril/13/2007
Buenos Aires. PAGINA /12. El irónico maestro de feria. Hilda Cabrera. mayo/16/2007

Subsequently, performances were held in Spain, such as the season in Madrid, at the “Teatro de la Abadía”.
EL PAIS. El “abominable” bufón de las nieves. Rosana Torres. abril/22/2008
When the master, Albert Vidal, finished his monologue exhausted, and the audience, standing in unison, burst into a resounding ovation full of enthusiasm and admiration, this piece of actor, clown, mime, clown, buffoon, choreographer, musician, thinker, visionary, clown, clown, jester, choreographer, musician, thinker, visionary, and researcher of the soul that is Albert Vidal, in full form and talent, charismatic, magnetic, disturbing, overwhelming, lucid and wholeheartedly devoted to the priceless and wonderful ritual of the theater, addressed a few words to the public, before leaving definitively the cold and bare stage where he had performed one of the most miraculous miracles remembered in the forty years of this festival, which today lives immersed in a bittersweet birthday, to remember that thirty years ago he had already performed in San Javier, and that the memory of his return and the reception of the public would accompany him forever, both in the East and in the West, both when he meditates on the top of the highest mountain and when he descends to the worst urban hell of the most infernal of the cities.
… A glorious hour of theater in its pure and golden state, rapturous and sincere theater, naked of all artifice and full of beauty, with that capacity that theater in its pure state has to leave you completely naked not only before the world, but before yourself, completely naked after witnessing a battle between Good and Evil, the false and true gods, dignity and ethics against moral garbage, lies and gross ambition without measure.

All of this brought to life on stage by an actor in a state of grace, without any scenery or music, relying solely on the power of his magnificent and volcanic voice and his limitless ability to find new avenues of communication with his small frame. Vidal transforms into a volcano, an angel, a demon, a baby, an old man, a banker, a politician, a consumerist audience, a contemporary artist, a murderer, a victim, a manipulator, a cretin, a savage, a tender soul, a hopeful being, a desperate one, a messenger of good news, a publicist, a king, and a beggar.
You can sense the comic’s rich influences from other greats like Darío Fo—don’t miss his performance on August 31 at the Albacete Festival with Rosa Fresca Fragantísima!—, Jacques Lecoq, and Kazuo Ohno, and you can see how he makes the most of the time he spent learning topeng dance techniques in Bali, butoh in Japan, and borí possession dances in Nigeria. And you can tell he’s been around the world with his crazy performances, creating his own genre in the early ’90s that he calls teluric art.
What a joy to once again enjoy the best of Albert Vidal, the one who made us cry with laughter by showing us the antics of politicians who end up embracing corruption right in front of our eyes; the Albert Vidal who reminded us of the importance of magic and the love of nature, the significance of pleasure and kindness, and the beautiful responsibility of not abandoning the elderly to their fate, as we will all be old one day…; the Albert Vidal who left open wounds among the audience regarding the masks we all reluctantly agree to wear…
LA VERDAD. Antonio Arco. 07.08.09 ( The original text is translated into english)